American Idols

I remember the first time I read about idols in the Bible I immediately thought of a Chipotle burrito. In my head, burritos fit the description perfectly as they are the size of a small statues, are wrapped in silver, and are temporarily satisfying. Recently, I got another point of view on idols from my…

Answering Anxiety

In my few months preparing to move from the Midwest to Atlanta, I was faced with a lot of unknowns. I was unsure about who I would spend time with, what the city would be like, or what I would do in my free time. But as it got down to the wire (like less…

Who is Worthy of Praise?

Ever since college, friends, acquaintances, and random strangers often tell me I look like Kendall Jenner. One time, there was a teenage boy working at Boston Market who made his manager come out from the back to confirm that I had similarities to a Kardashian. I am always confused by these statements because one, I…

Continual Pursuit

My favorite thing about Easter when I was little wasn’t looking for eggs on Sunday, but finding them unexpectedly once Easter was over. In my family, there always seemed to be a few eggs that the Easter bunny hid so stealthily that they were forgotten about until you went to use your spring jacket or…

Never Enough

One summer, my friends Michelle, Renee, and I decided to take a spontaneous road trip to Glacier National Park in Montana. The trip had a pretty rough start. After driving 18 hours, we arrived to find that all the campsites, which were first come first serve, were full. So, we packed three girls into the…

Walking in Sin

I nanny for a family with the cutest boy in the world. He is so cute, in fact, that this three-year-old boy can pretty much get away with anything as long as he smiles at me and says sorry in his sweet sing-songy voice. Although his parents told me to put him in a timeout…

When God Says Go

It wasn’t until I was 12 that I realized the Prince of Egypt wasn’t just a Disney movie with an amazingly catchy soundtrack, but that it was actually a biblical story. And it wasn’t until I actually read the story in Exodus (and re-watched the movie on Netflix) that I realized how similar Moses and…

Rejoicing in Rejection

I would say that I am pretty familiar with rejection. In kindergarten, my first boyfriend left me for a blonde girl whose mom let her shop at Limited Too. In elementary school, I struck out in softball literally every time I went to bat (and then cried). In middle school, I was the only one…

Saving Faith

If I’m being honest, I went because there were cookies and because peer pressure is a real thing in high school so I wanted to fit in. When I left, I was not planning on ever going back even if there was a cookie cake and every peer in the world was giving me pressure….